Thursday 20 May 2021

GOING TO Spark Arena !!!!

                                Spark Arena
Today  the Year 6s  went to Spark Arena. We did different activities at Spark Arena. There was Happy Place, Van Gogh, and Sounds Fun.
Happy place:  The first thing we went to was  Happy Place. I was so excited to go to Happy Place. The first thing  we went on was the ball pit you could dive, do poses while jumping and more. After we had jumped we took picture in these other rooms. There was a room with chains hanging down, a bath of balls and rubber ducks, also a room that was shining. After all that the teachers jumped in the ball pit! We moved to another one, a small room of confetti, they were throwing them everywhere. Eventually we took our last photo then went. 

 Sounds fun: we were separated in different instrumental groups.   There was the one with trumpet, drum, beat pads, and another with beat pad but with a mic. I was doing the beat pad I had to keep in time with the beat. green is perfect, purple is late, orange is early.  I got 54 out of 100.

Van Gogh:  this was our last activity Van Gogh art exhibition when I first moved my foot inside  there was lots of famous paintings and also quotes. 1 minute later we moved to a big room with projectors that projected famous art from different country's. Also there was classical music in the background. We sat down and enjoyed the art.

After this all we got to eat sandwich's, chips, an apple and a drink. We were so lucky to  have this experience at Spark Arena.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as though the trip was a very busy and creative experience Freddy. You have described each section of the trip in detail, maybe you could add a little more personal voice by telling your audience about which activity was your favourite, or maybe how the visual art made you feel. If you had chance to do the music activity again, how would you improve your score? Thanks so much for the supporting photographs, what a wonderful chance to explore the Arts.


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