Sunday, 11 April 2021

Pablo Picasso Art Work

Malo e lele bloggers in Te Waka Ako. We have been learning about Pablo Picasso Art If you don't know what I'm talking about  Pablo Picasso was a artist  he had his first exhibition at 9 Years old. Also when he was born his first word was Lapiz meaning pencil  in Spanish. So Te Waka Ako made a version like Pablo Picasso art here is my one.  


  1. This is a very interesting piece of art Freddy. I would like to know how you did it? Pablo Picasso is one of the most well known artists and his work is sold at very high prices. Great to see you used capital letters for all the names you used.

  2. nice you did ready good that is pretty good you need to in proiv on pagting it more nice gob


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