On Thursday we launched our rockets. First Te Waka Ako launched our prototypes, some peoples' prototypes didn't go as far as ours because they needed more aerodynamics. Then we had to rebuild our prototypes and make some improvements so it could go further. First my group was making bigger fins so it could go soaring through the air and be more aerodynamic and less drag. Also we had to use cardboard to make the roof more pointy. Aerodynamic - what does it mean? It means if you have a pointy end it could go far because it has less drag and it would go straight like jets, planes and racing cars. The rocket had wings so it could fly straight. If we didn't have a pointy end, it would create more drag and make it travel in an unexpected way. We ran out of time so we had nothing to launch but we had a bottle and we used it....that didn't go too far but it was a good experience. Blog you later.